«Several portraits of the Willoughby's family exist. The two extant ones of Willoughby herself are an undated miniature after Holbein, possibly part of family group done in 1541, and a second dated 1548 by an anonymous artist. Both are in the Earl of Ancaster's collection at Grimsthorpe Castle. Portraits of her sons Henry and Charles Brandon are in the Royal Collection at Windsor. Two anonymous portraits of her first husband Charles Brandon, duke of Suffolk, are at Woburn Abbey and the National Portrait Gallery, while an anonymous portrait of Richard Bertie, dated 1548, and a portrait of her son Peregrine exist at Grimsthorpe. A large monument to Willoughby and her second husband Richard Bertie stands in Spilsby chapel. For further analysis of this tomb, see chapter 6 of this study. See also Felicity Heal and Clive Holmes's discussion of Lady Jane Bacon's tomb in 'Prudentia ultra sexum', 100–24.» Women, Reform and Community in Early Modern England: Katherine Willoughby, Duchess of Suffolk, and Lincolnshire's Godly Aristocracy, 1518-1580 by Melissa Franklin-Harkrider

«Appendix 2


The best known image of Katherine is the miniature after Hans Holbein the Younger, painted in her early womanhood. In a second portrait at Grimsthorpe dated 1548, three years after she was widowed, she is soberly dressed and her demeanour is altogether more serious. The bust of her monument at Spilsby (which is more finely carved than the rest of the edifice and may have been intended for another location) shows her in her old age.

Another three-quarter-length portrait at Grimsthorpe (not illustrated) depicts a lady who has been variously identified as Mary, Queen of Scots and Lady Jane Dudley (Jane Grey). It is clearly not of Mary, and Jane's name has been attached to a numer of paintings, none of which can be authenticated. A detailed scientific analysis of the work could help to identify the sitter, but there is no likelihood of this being undertaken in the near future. All we can say is that this lady's features very closely resemble those of Katherine in her other portraits.» (For a discussion of the Grimsthorpe portrait see our Lady Jane Grey page.)

«There is also a drawing of 'The Dutchess of Suffolk' by Holbein now in the Royal Collection. Holbein returned to England in 1531, so the person depicted could be the then duchess, Mary, Henry VIII's sister, who died in 1533, or Frances, Katherine's stepdaughter, if the suggestion that the captions were not added until between 1555 and 1557 is accurate. No conclusions can be drawn from the sitter's apparent age because Katherine was actually two years younger than Frances. All we can say is that Katherine was actually two years younger than Frances. All we can say is that Katherine, who was Duchess of Suffolk from 1533 to 1545 (before becoming dowager duchess), is perhaps a more likely candidate than the other two.» Henry VIII's Last Love: The Extraordinary Life of Katherine Willoughby, Lady-in-Waiting to the Tudors by David Baldwin

trompe l'oeill integrated frame of the portrait

'Yet the brown colour in the Syon is likely the original shade and not a result of smalt degradation'

Margaret's cousins, Jane and Mary FitzAlan were married off very young, being respective between 12 and 15 years of age and 16. This was perhaps to their detriment, as none of Jane's three children would survive and Mary died in childbirth.

We know that she was in the household of Princess Elizabeth at Hatfield. Elizabeth I was born in 1533 as was Margaret's husband Matthew Arundel. We see that the dates for Elizabeth Grey are wrong, but they are , so

Young, but not painfully so by Tudor standards.

Considering the fact that Lady Katherine Grey accompanied Princess Mary Tudor to Wales in 1525, was married by 1532 (and made by far the best match), while presents from her sisters to Mary do not appear until 1538, I think it is safe to say that she must

Katherine was also married before Elizabeth, her eldest daughter Jane was born in 1537, while Elizabeth only married in 1538. Another indication

That of course leaves the question of who was the eldest daughter. Anne (d.1548) who married Sir Henry Willoughby, or Mary, of whom we know nothing except her name?

The Last Will and Testament of Thomas Grey, 2nd Marquis of Dorset

My everlasting thanks to the wonderful, kind, knowledgeable people who transcribed and translated this.

Test(amentu)m d(omi)nj Thome Marqueys dor(cestrie)

= The will of Lord Thomas, Marquis of Dorset

In the name of god amen The seconde daye of June in the yere of our Lorde god ml vc xxxti [(anno) millesimo quingentesimo tricesimo = ‘the one thousand five hundred and thirtieth (year)’.] I Thomas Marques dorset hole of body and of good mynde perfctly knowinge that there is nothing ^more^ certeyne to me then death and nothinge more uncerteyne then the houre and tyme therof I dreadinge the said tyme and wold not that I sholde dye intestate, nor that eny striffe variannce or debate sholde growe or arise betwene eny maner of personnes for any of my manours landes, ten(emen)ts and other my movable goodes that I shulde Leve in this worlde behinde me in eschewing of the same , I ordeyne and make this my present testament and last will in manour and formme insuynge: FIRST I bequethe my soule to almyghty god, and to his mother saint marye and to all the holy company of hevyn And my body to be buryed in the churche of Astleye in the countye of warwicke nygh unto my father whose soule god pardon if I dye within the realme of Ingland the costes and charges therof I remytt to the discrescion of myne executours so that no pompe nor solempnite be had or used about the same, And myne executours of this my last will to gyve to preestis and clerks that shall come thither the daye of my buriall as they shall thinke convenient, And to deale in almes to pore folke the said day and tyme after their discrescions, ALLSO I will that my executours shall cause iij honest prestis and of good conversacion to their knowledge to singe and praye at Asteley aforsaid for my soule my father and mother soules and all christen soulis by the space of iij yeres next after my deathe gyvinge to every one of them tenne marks by yere ALLSO I will that all my debts be paid that I owe to any parsonne and Amends to be made to every pasone that I have trespacyd or doon wronge unto if good profe be made thereof by the discrescion of myne executours or the more parte of them ALLSO I will that all my housholde s(er)v(a)nt(es) have their full wagys to the day of my deceas And for their time and goodservice that they have doon to me afore this tyme I will that every of them ^have^ one hole yeres wagis for his and their rewardes And allso meate and drinke convenyient for one halfe yere in my house next after my deceas so that they may have reasonable tyme to provide them selfe sermices Allso I will that John Nutting have the house w(i)t(h) thappurten(a)nces that he now ^dwelleth^ in ingrowby in the countie of Leiceter and lxvj s viijd yerely duringe his liff And that John Dabscourte shalhave the same office And yerelye ffee that he now hathe and occupyeth by myn agrement for terme of his lyff And also I will that Robert Vincent hath suche offices and ffees as he now hathe of myn for terme of his lif I will also that William Hill of Sheldon have in like maner suche officies and fees as he now hathe of myn for terme of his Lyff Allso I will that Thomas Cornewall have the office of the bayly wike [= Bailiwick "the district or jurisdiction of a bailie or bailiff"] of stebbinge in the coumtie of Essex and the office of the kepinge of the parke there And the wagis of the ffees to them belonginge for the terme of his liff And I will that Anthony Bogegood shalhave the office of the kepinge of wysshcombe in the countie of Devonshire with all the wagys and fees to it belonging for terme of his lyffe And I will that Thomas Seyton have such offyces and fees as he now hathe and occupyeth of myn for terme of his lyfe And I will also that all and ev(er)y such parsonne and parson(n)s as have eny office of Baylywike Stewardeshipp keparshipp of eny parke or park(es) or warren by myne appointment or assignement and now doo occupye and excercise the same shall frome hensforthe duringe their severall lyves have and exercise the said office and offices and ffees as every of them as they doo now use and exercise the same in like maner and fourme with like wag(es) fees and proffit(es) as they have or ought to have hadd in and for the exe^r^cisinge therof for term of their lyves and every of them doing their dueties and sermic(es)* to my lady my wiff and the heires of me accordinge as their officies dothe lye I will that Roberte Broke scolemaster to my sonne Henry to have xxli yerely out of suche landes and ten(emen)tis whereof myne executours shall take the proffitts by this my will unto suche tyme as he be promotid to spirituall dignite [until his death] to the yerely valewe of xxx pounds. And likewise that doctour Johannes fysyssion [= physician] have x li yerely out of the said landes and tene(men)tis unto suche tyme as he be promotid to one spirituall dignite [until his death] to the yerely value of xxli AND allso I will that the said Robert Broke and the said doctor Johannes shulde be furst promotid by my executours Allso I will that Edwarde Mountague[1] have yerely iiijli during his liff out of the Manour of Growbye and other landes and ten(emen)tis in Growbye in the countie of Leic, And that william horewood[2] have yerely out of the said Manor landis and ten(emen)tis in Growbye lxvj s viij d for terme of his lyff every of them gevyinge their counsell to my lady my wiff and to my heires And I will that Elizabeth Stafferton wif to Cristofer Stafferton[3] have yerely out of the said Manours landes and ten(emen)ts in Growby aforeaid lxvjs viijd for terme of hir lyff, Allso I will that every of my sonnes Thomas Edwarde and John have yerely xli towards their fyndinge untill they come to the age of xv yeres, And after their come to the age of xv yeres to have every of them yerely xxli towardes their findinge untill they come to thage of xxi yeres and the same to be perceyvid receyvid and taken of the revenues Issues and proffitts of all my manours landes and ten(emen)tis The landes appointed to this my last will for my said wiff only except duringe hur lyff ALLSO I will that my sonne Edwarde ymmediatly after he comythe to the age of xxj yeres have my Manours of Bedeworthe and pakyngton with the appurtenences in the countie of Warwike, and all other my landis tenements and hereditaments in bedworthe pakington or ellswhere within the said countie of Warwicke percell or membres[= members] of the said Manours of Bedworthe & Pakyngton and late in the Tenur occupacion or possession of Arthur lordlily to have and to hold to the said Edwarde for terme of his lyfe naturall ALLSO I will that my sonne John have Immediatly after he comythe to the age of xxi yeres have Bardon parke, and the pasture of Bardon with thappurtenances in the countie of Leic for terme of his lyf naturall Allso I will that my sonne Thomas have ymmediatly after he comithe to thage of xxj yeres, and after the dethe of my sister Anne Gray[4] late wif to my brother John Grey and nowe wif to Richarde Clemente the Manour of Bosworthe with thappurtenances in the countie of Leicester, And all my landes and ten(emen)ts and other hereditaments in Bosworth aforesaide to have to hym for the terme of his lif naturall, And in case my said sonne Thomas happyn to come to the said age of xxj yeres lyvynge my sister Anne Grey I will that then Immediatly after he come(th) to the age of xxj yeres, And after the deathe of the Ladye Elizabeth Cowntes of Oxforde late wif to the Lorde Beamont[5] shalhave my manours landis and ten(emen)ts in Creke and Cleycotton[6] with thappurtenances in the countie of Northampton for the terme of the liff of my said sister Anne Graye ALLSO I will to eiche of my daughters not maried unto the tyme they be married xx li sterling towardes their findinge to be perceyvid levid And taken yerely by myne executours out of all my manours landis and tene(men)ts except before exceptid ALLSO I will my daughter marye have towardes hir marriage one thousand poundes so that she marye by thadvise of my wif, and after the deathe of my wif by thadvise of the more parte of myn executours, ALLSO I will that every other of my daughters that be not maried at the tyme of my decease have to wardes their mariage one thousand poundes so that thei be maried by thadvise of my wiff And after the deathe of my said wiffe by thadvise of my executours The said Sommes of money before appoynted for the mariage of my saide daughters to be levid and taken by myne executours of the Revenues Issues and proffits of all my Manours landes and tentis the landes and tenements herafter bequethid or appoynted unto my said wiff and other duringe their lyves only except, AND in caas my said sonnes dye before all my said daughters be maryed, And my said daughters be heires unto me or to my said sonnes or to anny of them I will that then all bequestis made to my said daughters being so heires and not maried be voide and of none effect, And if anny of my daughters be maried and he heyres or one of my heires as is aforesaid before the money to hur bequethid be paid That then the payment therof as muche as shalbe then to paye to cease, And the same Sommes that they shulde have had to goo to the payments of my debts and p(er)fourmannce of my will, And that donne the overplus to go to the makynge of high wayes and Mariage of pore Maydens and suche other charitable dedis as shalbe thought convenyent by myne executo(ur)s ALLSO I WILL that my said wife shalhave the rule and guydinge of all my childerne aswell sonnes as daughters, And allso the proffitts of all suche sommes of monye as by this my will be, And is assigned and apointed for the fyndinge of them as is aforesaid untill my saide daughters be maried and my said sonnes come to thage of xxi yeres, And when anny of my said daughters byn maryed they to Abbate their porcion of xxli, And that porcion to goo the p(er)fourmannce of my will AND ALLSO I will that Margaret my wif[7] shalhave all and singuler my Manours of Croke Cleycotton and Lylboune in the countie of Northampton Dregge Carleton w(it)h the office of the baylyweke [= Bailiwick "the district or jurisdiction of a bailie or bailiff"] betwene Ayne and derwent[8], and with the office of the baylyweke betwene Ayne and Dewan Egremond[9] Harrington in the countie of Cumberland and Thorneh(a)m[10] lying in the countie of Lancastre with thappurtenaces and all and singulier Messuages landis ten(emen)tis and hereditamentis in Creke Claycotton Lylborne in the countie of Northampton dregge Carlton Egremond and harrington in the said countie of Cumberland and Thorneh(a)m lying in the said Countie of Lancastre or ellswhere within anny of the said counties whiche arr reputed knowen or takyn as parrcell parte or membres of the same Manours landis and ten(emen)tis or of anny of them to have and to holde the same Manours landis and ten(emen)ts to the said Margaret my wiff for terme of lyfe of Lady Elizabethe Counteis of Oxforde late wife to the Lorde Beamont AND after the deathe of the same Counteis of Oxforde I will myn executours shall take the revenues issues and proffits of the same Manours landis and ten(emen)tis towarde the p(er)formmannce of this my will AND ALLSO I will to Margaret my said wiff the Manours of Mucheland and Ulverstond[11] in the countie of Lancastre the manours of Wodacre Ketion Enerdale[12] and Gossford in the countie of Cumbria the manours of Wodh(a)mferres[13] and Stebbing in the countie of Essex The manours of Asteley Whitacre Bentley and Aullesley in the countie of Warwike The mano(ur)s of Heigh(a)m Browghton Asteleye and the manour and hole parke of Bradgate in the countie of Leic’ with all and singulier their appurtennc(es) and all Landis Tene(me)nt(is) Advousones Patronages and other hereditamentis whiche be reputid knowen or takyn as parcell parte or membres of the same maners landis and ten(emen)tis or of anny parte or parcell of anny of them to have and to holde to the saide Margarete my wiffe for terme of Lyf of the same Margaret And after the deathe of my said wiff I will myne executours shalhave and take the revenuez Issues and proffitt(es) therof to the perfourmance of this my will and testament Allso I will that my executours shalhave and take the revenues yssues and proffit(es) of all and singulier my manours and Townes of Hunspill de La Hay Chawton, Chawton Hundrith Maryett and Turlebor in the countie of Sommersett and Showtt Southley Wissecombye Bryxh(a)m Cowley Roughorne Grenelinche ffoxhill Pinner and Sparkey in the countie of Devon the manour of Growby Rottby Newton Whittington Bardon parke Leyesthropp and Morbowne Willowghby Waterles in the countie of Leicester The manours of Bedworthe and Pakyngton in the Countie of Warwike the Manours of Harlington and Sharmbrooke in the countie of Bedd And allso on An(n)uyte or yerely rente of lxxxij li whiche the kinges grace granntid unto the said Marqueys out of his douchie [= duchy] as by Indentures therof made playnly apperith and all londis ten(emen)tis hereditamentes in enny of the said Townes or elles where whiche be taken as parte or parcell of any of the said manours To have holde and perceyve all the same Manours londis ten(emen)tis & Annuities to myn executours to the p(er)fourmance of this my last will and to perfourme the same I will allso that myn executours shalhave the disposicion no(m)i(n)ation and presentacion of allmaner of Advousons apperteyninge or belonginge to anny of my said manours landis and ten(emen)tis before appointed to my Executours for and towardes the p(er)fourmance of this my last will as often as the same advousons or anny of them shall fortune to falle and be voide untill suche tyme yt [= that] my said will be perfourmed and I will that therafter this my last will be or myght be lawfully p(er)fourmed and for lacke and defaulte of Issue male of my bodye laufully begotton

Thomas Grey, 2nd Marquis of Dorset

Thomas Grey, 2nd Marquis of Dorset

I will that my doughter Marye[14] have all and singulier my said [Manours?] londis and ten(emen)tis in the said counties of Combr and Lancastre to hur and to the heires of hur body lawfully begotton only allso I will that myn executours shall taken [= take in] thissues [= the issues] revenues and proffites of all and singulier suche Manours landis ten(emen)tes and hereditamentis wherof my lady my mother[15] hathe declared hur will of towards the p(er)fourmance of this my laste will of whiche landis and tenementis I have auc(thori)te and powr to declare my will as well as my said mother as more playnly apperithe by Indentures therof made beringe date the xxiij day of June in the xvth yere* of our soverayne lorde kinge Henry the Eight [* 15 Henry VIII = 1523] Allso I will that if the mariage solemnised and had betwene Anne my doughter[16] and Henry Willowghby Esquier[17] sonne and heire apparannt of s(ir) Edwarde Wyllowghby knyght be dyssolvid by reason and disag^r^e(-)ment of either of them at their laufull age of consent or by reason of dethe of the same Henry Willowghby and before carnall knowledge had betwene them that then the said Anne shalhave towardes hir mariage one thousand poundes sterling as hir other susters shalhave[18] Allso I will that my wif have all my houshold stuff plate and Juelles duringe hur lyf except suche porcion therof as she at hur pleasure shall gyve to my sonne Henry And after hur decease to ^leve to^ my sonne Henry ij partes therof as it shalbe valluyd [= valued] or worthe at the tyme of hur decease Allso I will that myne executours shalhave all my goodes and Cattall leases for yeres not bequethid in this my will towardes the p(er)fourmance of this my will allso I will that Marye Tomason have yerely duringe hur lyff fyve markes st(er)ling out of all my man(our)s londis and tenementis in the countie of leic(estre) And allso a hundrithe markes st(erling) to hir mariage Allso I will that my buildinge at Bradgate be fynyshid and made by myn executours accordinge to a platt therof made And the Chapell at Asteley to be buyldid And my tombe to be made there by thadvise of my said executours And the said Chapel buyldinge and Tombe to be made in as Convenient tyme as it may resonablye I will that phillip the Eremyte[19] have xijd by weke as longe as he contynuethe at Asteley to pray for my faither and my mother soules my wifes soule and all christen soules allso I will I will that all and singulier parsonne and parsonnes that now be seasid or that herafter shalbe seased of all and singulier the said lordeshppes manours londis ten(emen)tis and other the premisses or of any other londis ten(emen)tis and hereditamentes wherof I have pour and auctorite to declare my will shall shall from hens forthe stand and be seased therof to thusis and intentes specyfied and declarid within this my laste will and testament & to the p(er)fourmance of the same and I renownce and forsake all other will and wylles by me before the date of this presentis made and affirmie this to be my last will and testament And executours of the same I ordeyne constitute and make my Entierly welbe lovid Lady Margaret my wiff and my speciall frendis Cutbert Tunstall now electe busshopp of Durh(a)m[20] Sir John ffytziames now cheif Justice of the kynges benche[21] William Shelley one of the kynges Iustices of his com(m)on place[22] Edwarde Wotton knyght[23] William Ashebye Esquire[24] and Robert Brocke clerke[25] and to every of my said executours I gyve and bequethe xxli and their reasonable Costes and expens(es) that they shall susteyne and be at in and abowte the execucion and p(er)fourmance of this my will And I will that my lady my mothers will concerninge the findinge of ij preestis in the Chapel of Asteley and the contynuance of the same ij preestis be observid and kept accordinge to my said Ladye my mothers will In wyttnesse wherof I the saide Thomas Marques Dorset have to this my wyll put my seale yoken the daye and yere abovesaid And whereas I before in this my present testament have willid and gyvyn to Edwarde my sonne after he comyth to the age of xxj yeres my manour of Bedworthe and Packington with thappurten(a)nces and all the Landis and ten(emen)tis in Bedworsthe and Packyngton in the Countie of Warwike for terme of his lif and allso where as I willid and gave unto my said sonne John after he comyth to thage of xxj yeres Bardon Parkes and the pasture of Bardon with thappurtennces for terme of hys Lyff and allso whereas I willid to my sonne Thomas after he comyth to the age of xxj yeres my manours landis and ten(emen)tis in Creke and Cleycotton Immediatly after the dethe of Elizabeth Counteis of Oxforde yf Anne Graye late [y? = the?] wife ^t of my brother John [Gray?] and now wife^ to sir Richarde Clement be then lyvynge sholde be unto unto my said sonne Thomas duringe his lyf of the said Anne Graye as by my said will afore made playnly apperithe whiche legacyes made unto my said iij sonnes and every of them concerning the said manours landis and ten(emen)tis I revoke and adnull by this my present will and for Recompense wherof I will that my said sonne Edwarde Immediatly after he comithe to thage of xx yeres shalhave Morebarne ffeldis in the countie of Leic’ for terme of his lyfe And I will further that if the saide landis and ten(emen)tis callid Morebarne feldis be not of the yerely value of xlli [= 40 pounds] above all charg(es) that myn executours or one of them shall assigne other of my landis and ten(emen)tis to make in all to the yerely value of xlli and that landis and ten(emen)tis so to be assignid shalbe allso to my said sonne for terme of his lyfe And till the said assignement be had I will that myne execut- or one of them shall yerely content and paye to my said sonne (as muche? deleted) mony as the said lond(es) and ten(emen)tis callid Morebarne feldis lackythe of the yerely value of xlli And I will allso to my said sonne John after he come to the age of xxj yeres shalhave the manour of Leysthorpp in the Countie of Leic’ and all maner landis ten(emen)tis and pastures in the said Countie knowen by the name of Leyst(h)ropp for terme of his lyfe And I will further that if the said manour land(es) and tenement(es) callid leysthropp be not of the yerely value of xlli above all chargis that my Executours or one of them shall assigne other of my landis and ten(emen)t(es) and that landis and ten(emen)tis so to be assigned shalbe allso to my said sonne for terme of his Lyfe and till the said assigneme(n)t be had I will that myne executours or one of them shall yerely content and pay unto my said sonne asmoche mony as the said londes and ten(emen)tes callid Leysthropp lackithe of the yerelye value of xl li And I will allso to my said sonne Thomas that Immediatly after he comythe to the age of xxi yeres Bardon Parke in the countie of leic(estre) the manour of Stokede(n)nysse in the countie of Somers(ett) to have to hyme duringe the lyfe of the said Anne Graye now wife to s(ir) Richarde Clement and after hur decease and after my said sonne Thomas comythe to to thage of xxi yeres I will and gyve to my said sonne Thomas my said manour off Bosworthe w(i)t(h) thappurten(a)nces and all my landis and tenementes and other hereditamentes in Bossworthe in the countie of Leicestr to have to hym for terme of his lyfe And allso I will that if the said Bardon park and the said manour of Stokedennysse be not of the yerelye value of xl li above all charges yt myne Executours or one of them shall assigne other of my Landis and tenementes to make in all to the yerely valeue of xl li and that Landis and ten(emen)tis so to be assignid shalbe also to my said sonne for terme of Lyfe of the said Lady Anne Graye and till the said assignement be had I will that my Executours or one of them shall yerely content and paye unto my said sonne Thomas as moche monye as the said manours landis and tenementes callyd Bardon parke and Stokedennysse lackith of the yerely value of xl li And I will also that if anny of my manours shall fortune to be assignid to my said sonnes or anny of them to make of their yerely value of xl li that none of my manours landes and ten(emen)tes gyven wyllid or assignid by me shalbe no parte therof and I will allso that my lorde my fathers will be p(er)fourmed and fullfillid w(i)t(h) spede and diligence with the rentes Issues and proffittes of all suche Manours londes and ten(emen)tis as to me frome hym discendid Suche exceptide and forprisid as by me be willid gyven granntid or asigned to my said wif and to my said sonnes or to any other parsone or p(ar)sonnes And I will allso that my lady my mothers will be with spede and diligence fulfillid and p(er)fourmed w(i)t(h) the rentes Issues and proffittes of all suche manours landis and ten(emen)tis liable to the parfourmannce of her will and I will allso that next after my funerall and myn owne debtes contentid and paid that myne executours withe spede and diligence shall make and buylde a Chappell of Asteleye accordinge to the will of my lorde my father and to be made after suche goodly fashion as by the discrescion of myne executours shalbe thought moste best and Convenient And in like maner a goodly tombe to be made over my lorde my father and my lady my mother and after that done my tombe to be made at Asteley in the mydd(es) of the channcell where I entendid god willinge to be buryed And after the said thinges so doon I will that myne Executours at Asteley aforesaid sufficiently ^buyld^ & make and Almes house [presumably an Almes house] convenient by their discrescions for xiij pore men there to enhabite and dwell In all whiche costes and charges to the buyldinge and makinge of all the premiss(es) shalbe receyvid levid and takyn by myne executours of all suche manours Landes and tenementis whiche I before have declarid and namid to the p(er)fourmannce of my will And I will that ev(er)y of the said xiij pore men frome tyme to tyme for ever shalbe named assignid and appointed by myn executours duringe their lyves And after their decease by myn heyres And I will to every of the said poore men wekely xij d and yerely alyverye [= a livery] of blacke Cotton price iiij s Allso I will my manours of Bedworthe and packington And all my landes and ten(emen)tis in Bedworthe and Packynton and the rents issues and proffitts of the same, And all Landas and tents which were lately in the occupacion of my lorde lyle[26] reputed and takyn as p(ar)cell of the same lordeshippes shalbe to the use and intente that myn executours shall take the proffitts of the same to the use and intente that they shall pay every mounthe to every of the said pore men their wagis and stipend as is abovesaide and their lynary [= livery] yerely Also I will that every of the said pore men continually shalbe namyde and appointed by my lady my wife duringe hur lyfe, And after hur decease by myne heires And I will that after the death of my said executours that myn heires shall receyve the issues rents and proffitts of the said ij manno(ur)s landis and tentis in Bedworthe and Packington, And all other the premyss that werr lately recoverid by a form(er) title against the said lorde lysley to and for the continuall payment of the said pore men that shalbe from tyme to tyme assignid namid and appoyntid to be put into the same house to thentent* [= the intent] that pore men may ever contynewe in the said Almes house and I will that all suche rent(es) issues and proffitt(es) that shall growe of the said ij manours londis and ten(emen)tis in Bedworthe and packington and other the premiss(es) over and beyond suche as shalbe contentid spent and paid to the said pore men and their uses as is abovesaide shalbe for the maynten(a)nce and reparacion of the said almes houses and the residue bey^o^ned that if anny be shalbe disposed and gyven yerely the day of my deceas by myne executours duringe their tyme And after their deceas by myne heires to preestis clerkis and pore folkes and ^dirigie^ masse to be said yerely at the day of the makinge of the said dole and I will that all suche parsonnes as now be seasid or herafter shall fortune to be seasid of the said ij manours of Bedworthe and Packynton and of all landis and tenementes in Bedworthe and Pakyngton and other the premissz aforesaid shall stande and be seased to all suche uses and Intentes as is afore declarid of the said ij Manours And I will that suche orisyons [= orisons] and prayers as shalbe said by the said pore men for me and myne Anncestours w(i)t(h) such attendannce as they shalbe bounde to gyve shalbe declarid and made by me or myne executours and written in a table to be sett in the said College of Asteley I will to my suster Cicelye[27] now wife to sir John Dudley[28] my manour of Mocheglen in the countie of Leicestr and all my landis and ten(emen)tis in Moche(g)len within the said countie for terme of hur lyfe to Avanncement of hur better lyvinge And allso meate and drinke yerely for her her manne s(er)v(a)nt and woman serv(a)nt duringe her lyfe to be taken with my lady my wiff or elles yer(e)ly xxli duringe hur lyfe to be paid by myne executours of the rentes Issues and proffittes of my manours londis and ten(emen)tes towardes the charges of hur meate and drinke whersoever she shalbe The one of them at hur pleasure to be takyn I will allso the rentes issues and proffites of my manour of Bosworth shalbe receyvid by myne executours towardes the p(er)fourmannce of my will unto suche a tyme my suster Anne Graye and sir Richarde Clement now her husband have extinguisshid realeased and determyned all suche right ^use^ and Interest as she hathe to the Manour of Hartwell in the Countie of Northampton unto thuse of the kynge [our?] soverayne Lord and of his heyres And unto suche a tyme allso that she and s(ir) Richard Clement have released extinguisshid and determynid all hur ryght use and interest whiche she the said lady Anne hathe to the Manour of Leysthropp in the Countie of Leic(estre) or anny other parsonne to hur use to the use of me the said Margues and to myne heyres and to the p(er)fourmannce of my laste will And Immediatly after hur said right use and title extinguisshid and determyned I will that the said manour of Bosworth and all my landis and tenementes in Bosworthe shalbe to thuse of my said Suster Anne for terme of hur lyfe in full satisfaccion and recompense of suche intrest Right use and titile whiche she the said lady Anne hathe to the manours of Hartewell and Leisthropp so that the said Richarde Clemet and lady Anne upon a request to them or to the said lady Anne to be made by

myne executours or by any of them make a lease by their dede indentid to myne executours or to as many of them as will accept the same of the said manour of Bosworth and of all my landis and tenementes in Bosworthe to have to my said executours that will accept the same for terme of lx yeres res(er)vinge upon the said lease so to be made to the said Richarde and lady Anne a C markes yerely to be paid at the feastes of saint Michaell tharchangell[29] and the Annunciacion of our lady[30] by even porcions and for default of none payment within three Monythis next after every of the said feastes with a clause of reenter to be conteynid in the same Indenture and allso with a p(ro)oviyso[?] to be conteynid in the same that if the said lady Anne dye within the said terme the said lease to cease and and [repeated in error] determyne and I will further that if any Ambiguite or doute apere in this my will I will that all suche Ambiguytes and doutes shalbe declarid and made open by myne executours or by the more parte of them that will take uppon them the Execution of the same And as they shall declare and open it I will yt shall stande for my last will concerninge all suche thinges doughtfull and I will that myne executours agre with my said suster Anne reasonably for suche Arrerag(es) as be to her due for the said Manours of hartwell and leistropp and for all other causis betwene her & me In witnes whe^r^of this to be my last will and Thestament over and beyonde my will in this my present wrytinge before declarid I have subscribid myne name and wheras I before in this my present will have constitute and orderid my Eterly [=utterly] welbelovid lady Margaret my wif and my speciall frendis Cutbert Tunstall Busshiop of Durh(a)m Sir John ffitziames Cheif Justice of the kinges benche william Shelley one of the kynges Justicz of his comon place Edwarde wotton knyght william Ashebye Esquire and Robert Broke to be my executours of this my last will and Testament I have now constitute and ordeyned Mathew knyghtley doctour of Cossington william horwood gentilman and Christofer wren gentilman[31] to be lyke other myne executours annexid and adioyned to and with my forsaid lady my wife and other my(n) executo(ur)s as or before named in this my present will to and for the further p(er)fourmance and execution of this my laste will and allso I bequeth and gyve unto my soverayne lorde the kynge[32] one of my best geldinges and one hundrithe pound(es) in sofferanns to by his grace a sadale [= in sovereigns, to buy His Grace a saddle] and allso I bequethe unto his grace a coople of my best houndes allso I will and bequethe unto my lady Anne Boleyne[33] xx li Allso I will and bequeth to Thomas nowe Duke of Norff(olk)[34] xl li Allso I will and bequethe to Charles nowe Duke of Suffolke[35] xl li And allso I will and bequethe unto John now lorde of Oxford xxx li Allso I will and bequethe to shr [sir?] William Fitzwill(ia)m now Channcelour of the duchie[36] xx li Allso I will and bequethe to sir Henry Gulford now Comptroller of the kynges house[37] xx li Allso I will and bequethe to doctour Stephyns nowe secretarye unto the kynges grace[38] xx li Allso I will and Bequethe to Mary Coplay[39] x li to her mariage Allso I will and bequethe to Anne Elmar[?][40] to hur mariage x li Item I will and bequethe to Cicele Howarde x li to hur mariage Allso I will and bequethe to Elenour Palmer[41] x li to her mariage Allso I will and bequethe to Elizabethe Charde to hur mariage x li And allso I will that Hugh whitfelde have yerely out of my Manour londis and ten(emen)tis in Growbye xl s for terme of his lyfe And allso I will that John worthington have yerely out of the said Manour landes and ten(emen)tis* in Growby xl s for terme of his lif Allso I will and bequethe towardes the buyldinge and makinge upp of the chuche of our blyssid ladye of Tylltey[42] within the countie of Essex one hundrith markes to be paid by myn executours and they to paye yerely xx mark(es) untill the said somme of a C markes be fully paid

Probate clause

Probatum fuit suprascriptum testamentum cora(m) d(omi)no apud Lamehith xviijo die mens(is) Novembris Anno D(omi)nj mill(es)imo quingentesimo xxxjo Jurame(n)to D(omi)ne Margarete Relict(e) et executric(is) in h(uius)mo(d)i testamento no(m)i(n)at(e) Ac approbatu(m) et insinuatum Et com(m)issa fuit admi(ni)strac(i)o o(mni)um et singulor(um) bonor(um) iur(iu)m et creditor(um) d(i)c(tu)m defunctum et h(uius)mo(d)i suu(m) testame(n)tum qual(ite)rcumq(ue) concernen(tium) dict(e) executric(i) de bene et fidel(ite)r adm(in)istrand(o) ead(em) Ac de pleno et fideli Inventario h(uius)mo(d)i conficiend(o) &c Necnon de plano et vero compoto reddend(o) Ad sancta dei Ev(a)ngelia iurat(e) in debita iuris forma Res(er)vata p(otes)tate similem comissione(m) faciend(i) alijs executoribus in h(uius)mo(d)i testamento no(m)i(n)at(is) cum ven(er)int &c admissur(is).

The above-written will was proved before the lord at Lambeth on the 18th day of the month of November in the year of the Lord one thousand five hundred and thirty-one by the oath of Lady Margaret, the relict and the executrix named in this will; and it was approved and inserted (in the register); and administration of all and singular the goods, rights and credits of any kind whatsoever concerning the said deceased and this his will was granted to the said executrix, to well and faithfully administer the same; and to complete a full and faithful inventory etc. of this; and also to submit a plain and true account; sworn on the Holy Gospels of God in due form of law; power reserved of making the like grant to the other executors named in this will when they shall come etc. to be admitted.

[1] Edwarde Mountague – Possibly Sir Edward Montagu (judge)

Amongst other things, he was a member of the Privy Council of King Henry VIII of England, who appointed him as one of the sixteen executors of his last will, and governor to his son Edward. Ironically, during the crisis of 1553 when Edward VI wished to alter the succession in favour of Lady Jane Grey, the granddaughter of the man who here mentions him in his will, Montagu protested at the illegality of the proceedings. 

[2] william horewood  Probably Sir William Whorwood

Sir William Whorwood's daughter Anne married Ambrose Dudley, elder brother of Robert Dudley, Guildford Dudley and Henry Dudley, therefore making her the sister-in-law of both Lady Jane Grey and Margaret Audley, the granddaughters of the testator.

ANNE WHORWOOD (d. June 1, 1552)

Anne Whorwood was the daughter of William Whorwood (d. May 28, 1545), attorney general of England, and his first wife, Cassandra Grey (d. before 1537). She was the first wife of Lord Ambrose Dudley (1531-February 21, 1590). Very little is known about her, but her unexpected death at Otford, Kent was described in considerable detail in a letter from her father-in-law, John Dudley, duke of Northumberland, to Sir William Cecil. Some sources, especially older ones, say this death and description were of Northumberland’s own daughter, Temperance, who died at age seven, but that is not the case. Anne had been ill, seemed to be recovering, and suddenly took a turn for the worse. One source says Whorwood was the name of her first husband and that she left behind a daughter, Margaret, who became Northumberland’s ward, but the entry for William Whorwood in The History of Parliament makes it clear that Lord Ambrose’s wife was Whorwood’s eldest daughter. The Margaret in question was Anne’s younger half sister, the child of Whorwood’s second wife, Margaret Brooke (d.1589).

[3] Elizabeth Stafferton wif to Cristofer Stafferton Christopher Staverton or Stafferton (by 1517-57 or later), of Aldenham, Herts. and London – History of Parliament Online

Christopher Staverton's cousin Richard Staverton was Sir Thomas More’s brother-in-law.

It has been said that Christopher Stafferton's brother Richard was the son-in-law of Sir Richard Weston, who was the father of Sir Francis Weston, one of the men was exexuted alongside Anne Boleyn.

«Besides the only son, Francis, Sir Richard and Lady Weston had two daughters. Margaret, the wife of Sir Walter Dennys, the eldest son of Sir William Dennys, of Dyrham, County Gloucester, by Anne, daughter and co-heiress of Maurice, Lord Berkeley. There is in the painted glass in the hall (lower north bay, No. 7) an emblem or rebus for her — a Marguerite growing out of a tun ; and in the lower south west window ( No. X. 3) is a magnificent coat of arms of Sir Walter Dennys, quartering the coat of Berkeley in right of his mother. She afterwards married Richard Stafferton.» Annals of an old manor-house, Sutton Place, Guildford

Historians hold this to be unlikely, though. Richard Stafferton seems to have been married to a Margaret Weston, though, just not that Margaret Weston.

According to Alison Weir, «2 May, the day of Norris's arrest, Richard Staverton of Warfield, Berkshire, a landowner and lawyer of Lincoln's Inn (whose wife, Margaret Weston, was probably related to Francis Weston), had written to Cromwell saying he 'shall be glad to have' Norris's rooms and properties near Windsor, 'as I have fourteen children'.»

The father, on the other hand, is said to have offered the King all that the family had if he would spare his son.

[4] my sister Anne Gray late wif to my brother John Grey and nowe wif to Richarde Clemente

ANNE BARLEE (d.1558)

This entry is taken from W. H. Challen’s “Lady Anne Grey” in the January 1963 Notes and Queries, in which he sorts out the marriages of Anne Jerningham and Anne Barlee, both of whom were entitled to use the name Lady Anne Grey. Anne Barlee (Barley, Barlow, Barlie, Barliegh) was the daughter of William Barlee of Albury, Herfordshire (c.1451-1521) and Elizabeth Darcy. She was married three times and in each case was her husband’s second wife. Her first husband was Sir Robert Sheffield of Butterwick, Lincolnshire (d.1519). Her second was Sir John Grey, son of the 1st Marquis of Dorset. His date of death is unknown, but he is mentioned in his mother’s will in 1528 and so was apparently still alive then. She is the “Lady Grey, Lord John’s Wife” who attended the Field of Cloth of Gold in 1520. Her third husband, married before 1530, was Sir Richard Clement of Ightham Mote, Kent (d.1538). In spite of her clear identification in the will of the second Marquis of Dorset, which calls her “my sister Lady Anne Grey, wife to my brother John Lord Grey and now wife to Richard Clemente,” she is called the daughter of the first Marquis of Dorset in Collins’s Peerage and this mistake has been repeated in many places since. Clement’s will was proved December 2, 1538. Anne Barlee’s will is dated October 1, 1557 and was proved May 7, 1558. She asked to be buried at Albury with a tomb of marble or white alabaster.

[5] Ladye Elizabeth Cowntes of Oxforde late wif to the Lorde Beamont – Consulting Kate Emerson's wonderful Who's Who of Tudor Women (which she kindly allows us to quote from in appropriate snippets as long as we give credit), she appears to be this woman:

ELIZABETH SCROPE (d. June 26, 1537)

Elizabeth Scrope was the daughter of Sir Richard Scrope (d.1485) and Eleanor Washbourne (d.1505/6). On April 24, 1486 at Westminster, she married William, 2nd viscount Beaumont (d. December 19, 1507). He lost his reason in 1487 and was placed in the care of John de Vere, 13th earl of Oxford at Wivenhoe, Essex until his death. In 1508, Elizabeth married Oxford (September 8, 1442 - March 10, 1513). She was at court as one of Katherine of Aragon’s ladies in 1509. In his will, Oxford left Elizabeth “all manner of apparel to her person,” silk cloth, and “chains, rings, girdles, devices, beads, brooches, ouches and precious stones.” In 1520, she attended the Field of Cloth of Gold. In 1531, she bought the wardship of her nephew, John Audley (her sister Katherine’s son by Richard Audley of Swaffham, Norfolk). She wrote her will on May 30, 1537 and it was proved on November 6, 1537. She was buried at Wivenhoe with her first husband. Portrait: brass at Wivenhoe.

There is not any readily apparent connection to the Greys, however, nor why she would have a life interest where either the interest or the property itself defaulted to them at her death.

Moreover Elizabeth (nee Scrope) Beaumont de Vere (d.1537), Countess of Oxford, second wife of the 13th Earl, was related to the Audley family. Her sister, Katherine Scrope, married Richard Audley, and the Countess left bequests to members of the Audley family in her will (see TNA PROB 11/27/144). It thus seems possible that the testator was a descendant of the branch of the Audley family into which the Countess’ sister, Katherine, married.

Blank space

Elizabeth Scrope, Countess of Oxford

Elizabeth Scrope, Countess of Oxford

Blank space

Elizabeth Scrope was the sister of Mary Scrope Jerningham, Lady Kingston, the step-mother of Anne Jerningham, known as Lady Anne Grey after her marriage to the testator's eldest brother, Lord Edward Grey (d. 1517).

(The testator had two sisters-in-law that were known as Lady Anne Grey after their marriages with his brothers, causing untold confusing through the ages.)

It is possible that Elizabeth Scrope through this connection had managed to endear herself to either the testator's father, mother or two brothers who predeceased him enough to be remembered by them through a bequest, though this does not seem wholly likely.


Anne Jerningham was the daughter of Sir Edmund Jerningham or Jernegan of Somerleyton, Suffolk (d. January 6, 1515) and Margaret Bedingfield (c.1476-March 24,1504). She was at court before May of 1511, when she received a half-year’s wages (100s). She was listed as a chamberer on October 9, 1514, when King Henry VIII’s sister, Mary Tudor, married King Louis XII of France. She was one of the few English attendants allowed to remain in France after the wedding. Sir Edward Grey (d. before 1517), eldest son of Thomas Grey, 1st marquis of Dorset, was also allowed to remain and they were married soon after, probably in France. As Lady Anne Grey, Anne remained in Mary Tudor’s service, accompanying her back to England after she (Mary) wed the duke of Suffolk. It is at this point that confusion begins. In spite of W. H. Challen’s “Lady Anne Grey” in the January 1963 Notes and Queries, in which he not only sorts out Anne Jerningham’s marriages but also those of Anne Barlee (d.1558), a concurrent “Lady Anne Grey,” subsequent publications, including the otherwise excellent account of the Field of Cloth of Gold in 1520 by Joycelyne G. Russell (1969) and Walter C. Richardson’s superb biography of Mary Tudor (1970), misidentify Anne Jerningham, most commonly calling her the eighth daughter of the 1st marquis of Dorset. As far as I have been able to determine, the 1st marquis of Dorset never had a daughter named Anne. It was Anne Jerningham, now Lady Anne Grey because of her marriage, who was in Mary Tudor’s service in 1516 and carried the infant Henry Brandon at his christening. Widowed by the spring of 1517, Anne was in Norfolk, in the household of the duke and duchess of Suffolk, when Queen Katherine of Aragon paid a visit. With her, I assume, came Mary Scrope Jerningham, Anne’s stepmother, who was one of the queen’s ladies. Richardson confuses matters even further by identifying the person who “contrived” an engagement for Lady Anne Grey as Anne Jerningham and calling her another of Mary Tudor’s ladies. He does not seem to realize that Anne Jerningham and Anne Grey were the same person. He bases his conclusions on the duke of Suffolk’s letter to Cardinal Wolsey, written on March 17, 1517 with the intention of making sure no blame fell upon him over the secret betrothal of one of his wife’s ladies to a ward of the king for whom Suffolk was responsible. It says, in part, that “Mrs. Jerningham” (Mrs. was the abbreviation for Mistress and so could mean either a single or a married woman) “took her daughter-in-law (ie. step-daughter) aside and privately insured young Berkely unto the Lady Anne Greye one of the Queen, my wife’s ladies.” Since no given names are included, several online genealogies that wrongly assume Lady Anne Grey is the youngest daughter of the marquis of Dorset, also misidentify “young Berkely” as Thomas Berkeley (1505-1534), grandson of the Baron Berkeley of 1517. Both his age and the fact that his father and grandfather were still living argue against this. Richardson says he is John Berkeley, son and heir of Sir Maurice Berkeley or Barkley of Yate, Gloucestershire, and one of the king’s wards. This is also incorrect, on two counts. John was not Sir Maurice’s son. In 1515, Sir Maurice bought the wardship and marriage of John Berkeley, son and heir of Richard Berkeley of Stoke Gifford, Gloucestershire. Futhermore, he would have been too young in 1517 to figure in the marriage plans of Lady Jerningham. The article in Notes and Queries speculates on other possibilities to have been “young Berkely” but comes to no definite conclusions as to his identity except that he was probably a distant connection of the family at Yate. In any case, he was apparently one of the king’s wards and the duke of Suffolk did not want to be accused of trying to marry him off without the king’s permission. He suggested in his letter to Wolsey that an example should be made of Mrs. Jerningham, but apparently, since the secret engagement had not progressed very far, she was not punished for her transgression. Challen does note, however, that Anne Jerningham’s will mentions “my son Sir John Barkley” and “my son William Barkley, Esquire.” However, all the other sons and daughters listed are actually stepchildren (although the History of Parliament assigns Henry Barlee’s one son and three daughters to Anne, his third wife). This suggests that Anne continued to have some sort of relationship with the youth she was briefly engaged to, but not that they actually married and had children. In fact, most sources indicate that Anne had no children with any of her husbands, and she did have three more of them. Her second husband was Henry Barlee of Albury, Hertfordshire (1487-November 12, 1529). It is not clear when she married him, but even if she had wed by 1520, she’d still have been listed as Lady Anne Grey at the Field of Cloth of Gold. She is listed in the King’s Book of Payments in April 1520, receiving her half year’s annuity of £6 13s. 4d. and again in September 1520 for the same. She was one of Barlee’s executors in 1529. At some point before 1531, she married Sir Robert Drury of Hawstead, Suffolk (d. March 1,1535/6), whose properties included a house in Bury St. Edmunds and one in the parish of St. Clement Danes, London, which later gave Drury Lane its name. Her fourth husband, to whom she was wed by 1543, was Sir Edmund Walsingham of Chislehurst, Kent (d. February 10, 1549/50), who was Lord Lieutenant of the Tower from 1521-1543. He left her the bulk of his household goods at Yaxe in Kent for her lifetime, together with the lease on her house in the Blackfriars and all personal property she had brought to their marriage. As Lady Anne Grey, she was living in Blackfriars in the 1550s. Anne was buried on April 6, 1559 beside her first husband in the church of St. Clement Danes, London. She left a will dated March 1, 1559 and proved May 8, 1559. A transcript can be found at http://www.oxford-shakespeare.com.

MARY SCROPE (d. August 15, 1548)

Mary Scrope was one of the nine daughters of Sir Richard Scrope of Upsall, Yorkshire (d.1485) and Eleanor Washbourne (d.1505/6). Two of her older sisters were married to earls, Elizabeth, countess of Oxford and Margaret, countess of Suffolk. Mary was left a third part of £1000 for her dowry by her stepfather, Sir John Wyndham (d.1502). In about 1509, she married Sir Edward Jerningham of Somerleyton, Suffolk (d.1515), by whom she had Henry (1509-1571), Ferdinand, Edward, Edmund, and Elizabeth. Her will, however, mentions a daughter named Margaret and does not mention an Elizabeth. She had an active career at court from 1509-1527 as one of Katherine of Aragon’s ladies. On June 26, 1510, she received the gift of tawny velvet for a gown. Her husband was the queen’s cupbearer and her son Henry was a carver to Princess Mary. Edmund became a gentleman of the bedchamber to Henry VIII and Elizabeth was one of Queen Jane’s maids of honor. See the entry for Anne Jerningham for an incident involving the newly widowed Lady Jerningham in 1517. By the beginning of 1532, she married Sir William Kingston (by 1476-September 4, 1540), constable of the Tower from 1524 until his death. Although Lady Kingston was implicated in the affair of the Nun of Kent in 1533, she took part in Anne Boleyn’s coronation. She was ill at Wanstead in June 1534. During the imprisonment of Anne Boleyn, she was called upon to hear Anne’s apology to Mary Tudor and deliver it to the king’s daughter after Anne’s execution. Lady Kingston carried Mary Tudor’s train at the christening of Prince Edward, rode in the funeral cortege of Queen Jane, and was listed as one of the thirty ladies appointed as “ordinary waiters” upon Anne of Cleves in 1539. According to some accounts, she served the first four of Henry VIII’s wives and also spent some time in the household of Princess Mary. David Loades, in his biography of Mary Tudor, says she was in charge of a joint household for Mary and Elizabeth from March 1538 until April 1539. In her will she left her daughter Lady Anne Grey a goblet of silver and gilt with a cover and a ring with a ruby. She was particularly generous to her servant, Margaret Harris, leaving her gowns and other clothing, bedding, and even a tenement in Leyton, Essex. She added a codicil to revoke to revoke the bed of crimson velvet and cloth of gold panes she’d given to Sir Anthony Kingson (her stepson) and left it instead to Mary Jerningham, daughter of her son Henry. She asked to be buried at Painswick, Gloucestershire with her second husband, but her memorial brass, dated 1557, is at Low Leyton, Essex, where she was apparently buried on September 4, 1548. Portrait: possible portrait in a private collection.

Clearly the two women, step-mother and step-daughter, were close. 

As it woud appear, were the sisters Elizabeth and Mary Scrope:

«in 1537 Elizabeth Scrope, Countess of Oxfod, bequeathed three books of gold: one to Lady Anne de Vere, described as 'a boke of gold of the value of 100s with the crucifix and the salutation of our ladye to be newly made'; one to Mary Scrope, Lady Kingston, 'my booke of golde sett with perle'; and one to Frances de Vere, Lady Surrey, 'a boke of golde having dyvers leffys of golde with the salutacion of our Lady att the begynnyng'.»

«These 'books of gold' could be attached to a girdle like a jewel and in the middle of the centry continued the popular trend of wearing religious objects in the same way that small relics and rosaries had been worn before the Reformation. The value of the sacred words between the covers was reflected in the gold and gemstones that adorned them. Women were the principal patrons of the scribes, illuminators and goldsmiths who produced these books of gold and they wore them both as a fashionable clothing accessory and as a precious emblem of piety.»

Elizabeth Scrope, Countess of Oxford

Elizabeth Scrope, Countess of Oxford

[6] Cley Coton, Northamptonshire.

28. Tho. marquis of Dorset. Grant, in fee, of the park called Beamount Lease, alias Beamount Wood, Leic., adjoining the King's park of Leicestre Fryth, and of Barden park, Leic.; in exchange for the Marquis's manor of Cley-Coton, Northt. Del. Westm., 28 May 17 Hen. VIII.—S.B.


Margaret Wotton was the daughter of Sir Robert Wotton of Boughton Malherbe, Kent (1465-1524), and Anne Belknap (d. before 1524). She was probably the Margaret Wootton in Elizabeth of York’s household c.1503, when she was paid £2 for six months of service as a part-time gentlewoman of honor. Her aunt, Margaret Belknap, was also part of that household. In 1505, she married William Medley of Whetnesse and Tachbrook Mallory, Warwickshire (1481-February 1509), by whom she had a son, George (d.1562). In 1509, she married Thomas Grey, 2nd marquis of Dorset (June 22, 1477-October 10, 1530), by whom she had Elizabeth (b.1510), Katherine (1512-1542), Anne (1514-January 1548), Henry, 3rd marquis (January 12, 1517-x. February 23, 1554), John (1523-November 19, 1569), Thomas (1526-x.1554), and a son and daughter who died young. Thomas Grey’s body was found intact when his coffin in the collegiate church at Astley, Warwickshire was opened in 1608. He was five foot eight inches tall and had smooth yellow hair. As marchioness of Dorset, Margaret accompanied Mary Tudor to France in 1514 and was one of Elizabeth Tudor’s godmothers. When her second husband died, King Henry granted her custody of all of his lands during the minority of her son. This son, Henry, had been betrothed to Lady Katherine FitzAlan, daughter of the earl of Arundel, but the two disliked each other and Henry rejected the match. To free him from this obligation, Margaret was obliged by the betrothal contract to pay 4000 marks to Arundel, which she did in yearly installments of 300 marks. On November 19, 1531, she wrote to Thomas Cromwell from Tiltey, Essex, where she lived in lodgings her late husband had paid to have built in the Cistercian monastery there, sending her son, George Medley, with the letter and a £40 gift for Cromwell. In the letter, she requested that Cromwell negotiate with Arundel to reduce the amount she owed him by 1000 marks. Her argument was that the contract of marriage between Arundel’s heir and her daughter, Katherine Grey, had only required a penalty of 3000 marks. Perhaps because he incurred this huge debt, Margaret did not get on well with her eldest son. A number of other letters to Cromwell exist, some of them included in Letters of Royal and Illustrious Ladies. In a letter dated February 8, 1535 from Tiltey, she sent him £10 and a cup because she had heard that he had heard a “sinister report” about her, one alleging that she had “hindered or impaired” the monastery at Tiltey. She and her husband had certainly meddled there. In 1530, at the request of the Marquess of Dorset, the abbot had been pensioned off and replaced. Tilty was not a wealthy monastery. There were only five monks in residence besides the abbot. On October 6, 1535, Margaret was granted a lease for sixty years on the grange, manor, and demesne lands at Tilty. After the abbey was dissolved, on February 26, 1536, this had to be confirmed by the state, which was accomplished on November 4, 1538. In the meantime, Margaret continued to live there much of the time. She was staying at the Archbishop of Canterbury’s palace of Croydon in October 1537 when Prince Edward was born. Because there were reports of plague in the village of Croydon, Margaret was banned from his christening, even though she was to have been one of his godparents. A letter she wrote to the king from Croydon, expressing her regret, is still extant. Yet another letter to Lord Cromwell dates from January 26, 1538, when she was staying at Ightham Mote in Kent (she had also visited there in February 1534). She asked Cromwell to take her son Thomas into his household. Portraits: a sketch by Holbein at Windsor; portrait by Holbein; miniature.

[8] Egremont in Cumberland

[9] From 'The History and Antiquities of the Counties of Westmoreland and Cumberland':

[10] Possibly Thornham in Greater Manchester, historically a part of Lancashire, or Thurnham in Lancashire

See "A History of the County of Lancaster" Victoria County History series volume 8 pages 101-105. Available to read as BHO British History Online. https://www.british-history.ac.uk/vch/lancs/vol8/pp101-105

Thurnham Township

"... belongs rather to Cockerham than to Lancaster ……. yet the larger part of its' area lies within the latter parish …."

Thurnham Manor

"Before the Conquest Thurnham ….. being held in 1066 by Earl Tostig. Afterwards it is found to belong to the Lancaster family …… It thus descended to the Harringtons of Aldingham (fn 8) and through Bonvil to Grey, being held by Henry Grey, Duke of Suffolk, executed for treason 1554. The duke had in 1552 sold it to Thomas Lowrie, citizen of London (fn 9)….."


7. Crown dues received by Thomas Parr of Kendal.

8. Elizabeth Harrington married William Bonvil. Their granddaughter and heir, Cecily, married Thomas Grey, Marquis of Dorset. Their son, Thomas died 1530.

9. Sale to Thomas Lowrie included manor & lands, 2 water mills, 20 saltpits &c. in Thurnham, Glasson and Cockerham.


Katherine Parr, 6th & last wife to King Henry, was from Kendal. Glasson has/had a dock on the River Lune. Lancaster was an important international port in 18thC.

Thomas Lowrie sold Thurnham Manor to Robert Dalton not long after and seemingly made a large profit . The Dalton family still owned it nearly 300 years later, in spite of having it confiscated twice, being on Royalist side in English Civil War and Jacobite in 1715. The Daltons were Catholic. A later footnote lists their holdings. Forton is on the list.

[11] Ulverston - now in Cumbria, historically in Lancashire

[12] Enerdal is Ennerdale, Cumbria. River Ehen. Apparently forfeited by Henry Duke of Suffolk, father of Lady Jane Grey. Ennerdale in Cumbria

[14] The fact that his daughter Mary is singled out two times in the will, and as the heir in case all of his sons should pass away without heirs, suggests that she was the eldest daughter.

Her name is definitely spelled Mary ('marye' and 'Marye') with a y. She was not named Margaret.

[15] CECILY BONVILLE (1460-May 12, 1529)

Cecily Bonville was the daughter of William Bonville, Lord Harington (c.1442-December 30, 1466) and Katherine Neville (c.1535-November 22, 1503). She married her first husband, Thomas Grey, marquis of Dorset (1451-1501), on July 18, 1474. She had fourteen children by Grey—Edward (d. by March 1517), Thomas, 2nd marquis (1477-1530), Leonard (1479-July 28, 1541), Dorothy (c.1480-1553), Mary (1493-February 22, 1538), Eleanor (d. by 1507), Elizabeth (c.1497-1548+), Cecily (c.1497-April 28, 1554), John (d.1523), Margaret (d.1523+), George (d.1523+), Richard, Bridget (d.yng), and Anthony (d.yng). Her second husband was a man nineteen years her junior, Henry Stafford, earl of Wiltshire (1479-March 6, 1523). This second marriage, which took place on November 22, 1503, required a papal dispensation and the king’s license, costing £1000 according to one source and £2000 according to another. Cecily granted her new husband a life estate in properties worth £1000 a year and promised to leave him the rest of her inheritance should her son and heir, Thomas Grey, marquis of Dorset, die before her. In spite of her generosity, Stafford was heavily in debt by the time he died and, in 1524, Cecily disposed of her remaining property. She gave £1000 to each of her four surviving daughters, small annuities to her younger sons, and kept 300 marks as an annuity for herself. The rest was used to repay her second husband’s debts. In her will, written on May 6, 1527 and proved November 5, 1530, she asked to be buried with her first husband in the chapel within the church of the college of Astley in Warwickshire and provided for the building of “a goodly tomb.” She left “my beloved Lord Richard” the manor of Multon, Lincolnshire. Lord [John?] Grey received Yoke, Pokington, Torrells, and Littleston, Somerset for life and Lord Leonard Grey received Says-Bonville and Pixton, Somerset and Marston, Sussex for life. Portrait: effigy in St. Mary’s Church, Ashley, Warwickshire.

Cecily Bonville - Astley Church

Cecily Bonville - Astley Church

[16] ANNE GREY (1514-January 1548)

Anne Grey was the youngest daughter of Thomas Grey, 2nd Marquis of Dorset (1477-1530) and Margaret Wotton (1487-1541). She married Sir Henry Willoughby of Wollaton (1510-August 27, 1549) and by him had Thomas (1540-1559), Margaret (1544-1578+), and Francis (1546-1596). As far as I can tell, she did nothing significant other than marry and have children, but I include her here because of the confusion over the many Lady Anne Greys. This one was definitely too young to have been in the household of Mary Tudor, Duchess of Suffolk, in 1517.

[17] Sir Henry Willoughby (d.1549)

Henry was the son of Edward Willoughby (d.1541) and his wife Anne, daughter of Sir William Filliol of Woodlands, Dorset. Anne Filliol was the sole heiress of Woodlands, since her sister Katherine, wife of Edward Seymour, Protector Somerset, was cut out of her father's will. Henry's grandfather was Sir Henry Willoughby (1451-1528) of Wollaton and Middleton. Henry inherited the Woodlands estate when his father died in 1541, and the Wollaton and Middleton estates from his uncle Sir John Willoughby in January 1548/9. He was only able to enjoy this inheritance for a few months, as he died in August 1549 while fighting in Kett's Rebellion, leaving three young children. Henry married Anne Grey, daughter of Thomas, 2nd Marquess of Dorset, and had Thomas (d.1558), Margaret and Francis (1546-1596)

[18] Allso I will that if the mariage solemnised and had betwene Anne my doughter and Henry Willowghby Esquier sonne and heire apparannt of s(ir) Edwarde Wyllowghby knyght be dyssolvid by reason and disag^r^e(-)ment of either of them at their laufull age of consent or by reason of dethe of the same Henry Willowghby and before carnall knowledge had betwene them that then the said Anne shalhave towardes hir mariage one thousand poundes sterling as hir other susters shalhave

This means that a marriage ceremony or the equivalent had taken place. Probably the 'married by agreement dated 20 Sept. 1528' mentioned in the Magna Carta Ancestry. But the marriage had not yet been consummated. They were not cohabitating.

be dyssolvid by reason and disag^r^e(-)ment of either of them at their laufull age of consent

Neither party, not Henry Willoughby, nor the testator's daughter Anne, had reached the lawful age of consent in 1530 when her father wrote his will. Child marriages could take place, but then both parties had right to refuse when they reached the canonical age of consent, which was 12 for girls and 14 for boys, making the marriage invalid. Margaret Beaufort, Henry VII's mother, did this with her first marriage.

Which means that Sir Henry Willougby (d.1549) was born after the second of June 1516 and Lady Anne Grey (d.1548) was born after the second of June 1518, that is to say, Sir Henry Willouby was under the age of 14 and Lady Anne Grey was under the age of 12 at the second of June 1530.

[19] phillip the Eremyte = Phillip the Hermit

[20] Cutbert Tunstall now electe busshopp of Durh(a)m Cuthbert Tunstall

[21] Sir John ffytziames now cheif Justice of the kynges benche – Sir John Fitzjames

[22] William Shelley one of the kynges Iustices of his com(m)on place – Probably Sir William Shelley. He seems also to be a distant relation of Margaret Wotton, Marchioness of Dorset, through the Belknap connection.

[23] Edwarde Wotton knyght – Sir Edward Wotton was his brother-in-law, the brother of Margaret Wotton, Marchioness of Dorset. Henry VIII would later nominate him as one of his executors and a privy councillor to his son Edward, the later Edward VI.

[24] William Ashebye Esquire – Probably William Ashby of Lowesby

[25] Robert Brocke clerke – Possibly the same Roberte Broke scolemaster that was left xxli yearly earlier in the will. Might be the Sir Robert Broke who was a British justice, politician and legal writer. According to the Wikipedia article, 'Broke's judicial career began in 1536 when he was appointed Common Serjeant of London on the recommendation of Henry VIII and the queen, Jane Seymour; how he gained such royal favour is unknown.'

Well, if he is indeed the same Robert Broke, we now know the answer to that.

[26] my lorde lyle or lysley – Probably Arthur Plantagenet, 1st Viscount Lisle

He was Elizabeth of York's half-brother, the illegitimate son of her father Edward IV. And for many years a favoured courtier of Henry VIII.

He is the only fit for the title in 1530. Earlier it would have belonged to Charles Brandon, later to Ambrose Dudley.

[27] my suster Cicelye now wife to sir John Dudley

CECILY GREY (c.1497-April 1554)

Cecily Grey was the daughter of Thomas Grey, 1st marquis of Dorset (1451-1501) and Cecily Bonville (1460-May 12, 1529). Some sources give her a birth date as early as 1488. She married John Sutton, 3rd baron Dudley (1496-April 18, 1553). Their betrothal took place before October 30, 1501.Their children were Edward, 4th baron (1506-July 9, 1586), Henry (1515-1556), Thomas, George, John, Margaret, Dorothy, Elizabeth, and possibly Mary (b.1537). In February 1537, Lady Dudley wrote to Lord Cromwell to complain of the poverty she and her husband had to endure. She claimed she and one of her daughters and their woman and man had only £20 a year to live on and had to rely on Agnes Oulton, the prioress of Nuneaton, for meat and drink. She was apparently living at the priory at that time. Nuneaton was dissolved on September 12, 1539. Cecily was buried at St. Margaret’s Westminster on April 28, 1554.

[29] the feastes of saint Michaell tharchangell – The Feast of Michaelmas was gradually downgraded after Reformation and replaced by Harvest Festival.

[30] the Annunciacion of our lady – The Feast of the Annunciation is 25th March, also known as Lady Day and one of the quarter days, a traditional day for leases to begin & end and rents to be paid. 

[31] Christofer wren gentilman – May be this gentleman:

"In the chancel of the church of Withibrook," says Dugdale, "in the county of Warwick, lieth a fair marble, with plates of brass upon it, representing a gentleman of this family and his wife, with this inscription: 'Of your charity, pray for the souls of Christopher Wren, gentleman, and Christian his wife: the which Christopher deceside the 25th day of November, 1543; on whose souls, and all christian souls, Jesus have mercy – Amen'" The Lives of the Most Eminent British Painters, Sculptors and Architects by Allan Cunningham

He may be a relation of Sir Christopher Wren, the famous architect.

A portrait of Lady Jane Grey was noted by George Perfect Harding as being «owned in 1804 by Christopher Roberts Wren, fourth-generation descendant of the seventeenth-century architect Sir Christopher Wren, of Wroxhall Abbey, Warwickshire. Wroxhall was sold in 1861 and soon demolished, to be replaced by a new mansion in 1866. The estate was eventually liquidated in 1995 and the last contents of the house were removed, their disposition unknown today.» (A Queen of a New Invention by J. Stephan Edwards, p. 189)

[32] my soverayne lorde the kynge King Henry VIII of England

[33] my lady Anne Boleyne Anne Boleyn

[34] Thomas nowe Duke of Norff(olk) Thomas Howard, 3rd Duke of Norfolk. The uncle of Anne Boleyn and Katherine Howard

[35] Charles nowe Duke of SuffolkeCharles Brandon, 1st Duke of Suffolk. His daughter Frances would later marry the testator's son Henry, with great tragedy as the result for their three daughters, Lady Jane Grey, Lady Katherine Grey, and Lady Mary Grey.

[36] shr [sir?] William Fitzwill(ia)m now Channcelour of the duchieWilliam FitzWilliam, 1st Earl of Southampton

[37] sir Henry Gulford now Comptroller of the kynges houseSir Henry Guildford. The testator's brother-in-law, he was married to Margaret Wotton's sister Mary.

[38] doctour Stephyns nowe secretarye unto the kynges graceStephen Gardiner

[39] Mary Coplay x li to her mariage – The testator was married to Margaret Wotton, through her marriage Marchioness of Dorset. Margaret Wotton was the daughter of Sir Robert Wotton and Anne Belknap. Anne Belknap's sister Alice Belknap married William Shelley. Alice Belknap's children Elizabeth Shelley and Thomas Shelley married another set of brother and sister, Sir Roger Copley and Mary Copley, in a double marriage between the families.

A double marriage between families was common at the time, coupling off two sets of siblings. The testator's son Henry Grey's marriage to Katherine FitzAlan and his sister Katherine Grey's marriage to Henry FitzAlan was meant to be just such a double marriage. Henry Grey, however, famously jilted her, saddling his family with gigantic debts for the broken betrothal, and fatefully married Frances Brandon instead.

Sir Roger Copley and Elizabeth Shelley's eldest son was born sometime around 1532/4 (sources vary), making it likely that the double marriage took place around shortly after the time of the testator's bequest.

If that is indeed the right Mary Coplay, she was the bride of the testator's wife's nephew.

From Kate Emerson's excellent Who's Who of Tudor Women (which we are allowed to quote from as long as we give credit):

ALICE BELKNAP (c.1475-1537)

Alice Belknap was one of the six daughters of Henry Belknap of Crofton, Kent and Knell, Beccles, Sussex (d. July 3, 1488) and Margaret Knollys (1432-October 7, 1488) and the sister of Sir Edward Belknap (July 30, 1473-1521). She married William Shelley of London, Michelgrove, Sussex, and Mapledurham, Hampshire (1476-1549). The date of their marriage settlement is July 10, 1511, but they appear to have married before that date. Some sources say as early as 1500. They had seven sons and seven daughters including John (d. 1550), Thomas, Edward (d. September 10, 1547), Richard (1513/14-1589), Elizabeth (d. December 25, 1560), James, Margaret, and Catherine. In London they lived in the parish of St. Sepulcre and Shelley was assessed at 300 marks in goods in the subsidy of 1523. His lands were valued at £140 a year. Alice had a servant named Jane Smith (d.1529) to whom she gave the manuscript known as the “Belknap Hours.” Jane married John Onley of Catesby Northamptonshire (d. November 22, 1537), who may have been brought up in the Belknap household and whose entry at the Inner Temple was sponsored by William Shelley. Portrait: tomb effigy with husband and fourteen children in St. Mary the Virgin, Clapham, Sussex.

Jane married John Onley of Catesby Northamptonshire (d. November 22, 1537)

[40] Anne Elmar – Anne may have been the sister of the Frances Aylmer who followed Princess Mary Tudor into Wales alongside the testator's daugther Lady Katherine Grey. Frances Aylmer was a lady of the privy chamber to Princess Mary Tudor from at least 1525 until 1533 and returned to her service in 1536. Frances and Anne Aylmer were the daughters of Edmund Aylmer and his wife Elizabeth, daughter of William Tyrell of Beches.

They were probably relations of John Aylmer, tutor to Lady Jane Grey, and later Bishop of London.

[41] Elenour Palmer – Perhaps Eleanor Palmer (died 1558) who was an English philanthropist who established a charity to help the poor of Chipping Barnet and Kentish Town, now parts of London. Her charity still exists and owns and runs almshouses and residential homes for the elderly.

If this is the right Eleanor Palmer, she would have already have been married once. Her first husband died in 1509, her second in 1542, so it might fit that this was a bequest towards her second marriage. In one of those strange twists of fate, Eleanor Palmer's son Jerome (d.1565) married Eleanor, daughter of William Paget, 1st Baron Paget. This William Paget, 1st Baron Paget, would later buy the wardship of Thomas Willoughby, the eldest son of Anne Grey, Lady Willoughby, and the testator's grandson and probably named for him, and had him married to his daughter Dorothy, briefly connecting the families.

[42] Tylltey (Tyltey, Tiltey, Tilty) appears to have been another name for where the Greys were from: Tilty Church and Abbey

According to Kate Emerson's excellent A Who’s Who of Tudor Women, which I should of course have consulted first, we have the following information:

ANNE GREY (1514-January 1548)

Anne Grey was the youngest daughter of Thomas Grey, 2nd Marquis of Dorset (1477-1530) and Margaret Wotton (1487-1541). She married Sir Henry Willoughby of Wollaton (1510-August 27, 1549) and by him had Thomas (1540-1559), Margaret (1544-1578+), and Francis (1546-1596). As far as I can tell, she did nothing significant other than marry and have children, but I include her here because of the confusion over the many Lady Anne Greys. This one was definitely too young to have been in the household of Mary Tudor, Duchess of Suffolk, in 1517.

ELIZABETH GREY (c.1510-c.1564)

Elizabeth Grey was the daughter of Thomas Grey, 2nd Marquis of Dorset (June 22, 1477-October 10, 1530) and Margaret Wotton (1487-1541). On April 22, 1538, she married Thomas, baron Audley of Walden (1488-April 30, 1544). They had two daughters, Margaret (1539-January 10, 1564) and Mary. In her widowhood, Elizabeth lived at Audley End, near Saffron Walden. Her daughter Margaret, who had married the duke of Norfolk, came to her there to give birth to each of her children. According to the catalog of an exhibit of works by Hans Holbein, Elizabeth married Sir George Norton in 1549 and died before her daughter, but other sources, including Neville Williams’s biography of Thomas, 4th duke of Norfolk, say she looked after her grandchildren from the time of her daughter’s death until Norfolk remarried in 1567. Portraits: Holbein sketch at Windsor c.1540; miniature (watercolor on vellum) c.1540; portrait said to be Lady Audley in the 1560s and attributed to John Bettes the Younger.

KATHERINE GREY (1512-1542)

Katherine Grey was the daughter of Thomas Grey, Marquis of Dorset (1477-1530) and Margaret Wotton (1487-1541). She married Henry Fitzalan, Lord Maltravers, heir to the earl of Arundel (April 23, 1512-February 25, 1579/80) in 1532. Her brother was to have wed his sister, but the match was called off when Henry Grey married Lady Frances Brandon instead. As Lady Maltravers, Katherine was listed as a member of the household of Princess Mary Tudor in October 1533. She had three children by Maltravers: Joan (1536-July 7, 1576), Henry (1538-June 30, 1556), and Mary (1540-August 25, 1557).

Kate Emerson does not have an entry for 'our' Mary Grey, only her aunt and niece by the same name.

(The ‘Maria uxor Walteri Douoreux Vicocom’ Heref.’ that is listed in the Heraldic Visitations of Leicester in 1619 as the daughter of Thomas Grey, 2nd Marquess of Dorset and Margaret Wotton, was the Mary Grey who married Walter Devereux, 1st Viscount Hereford prior to 1501. She was the daughter of Thomas Grey, 1st Marquess of Dorset and Cecily Bonville, and the sister of Thomas Grey, 2nd Marquess of Dorset, not his daughter. That Mary was the aunt of our Mary, and not our Mary at all.

MARY GREY (1493-February 22, 1537/8)

Mary Grey was the daughter of Thomas Grey, 1st marquis of Dorset (1451-1501) and Cecily Bonville (1460-May 12, 1529). She was the first wife of Walter Devereux, Lord Ferrers of Chartley, later 1st viscount Hereford (c.1489-September 27, 1558) and the mother of Richard (d. October 13, 1547), Henry (c.1515-before October 13, 1547), William (c.1525-before November 2, 1579), Anne, and possibly Katherine. She was at court as a Lady of the Bedchamber to Katherine of Aragon by 1517. Portrait: tomb effigy at Stowe by Chartley, Staffordshire.

«By his second wife, Margaret Wotton (painted by Holbein), the 2nd Marquis of Dorset had at least seven children, of whom several were Mary’s friends or in her household. The Marquis himself was named as Grand Steward of her Household when she went to the Marches of Wales in 1525, but it seems to have been an honorary title whilst his daughter, Lady Katherine, actually accompanied Mary. Lady Katherine remained with the princess until her household was broken up in 1533. By then, Katherine was Lady Maltravers (Lady Maltravers did not die in 1532, as Wikipedia suggests – she had three children in the late 1530s, dying probably in 1542).

At the New Year of 1538, Mary tipped the servants of Lady Kildare and Lady Margaret Grey for bringing gifts. Lady Margaret Grey was now amongst Mary’s attendants and on Twelfth Night 1538, they played cards together, Mary starting out with the sum of 20s – although we don’t know how much she ended the evening with. Lady Kildare gave the princess a comb-case worked with pearls as a New Year gift in 1541, whilst her niece, Lady Anne Grey, gave artificial flowers.

In 1543, Lady Margaret sent the princess a cheese. She followed this up with the gift of a partlet (short wrap covering the upper arms, worn over the gown). Mary reciprocated with a present of two sovereigns. The next year, Lady Margaret and Lady Anne Grey gave Mary gifts of conserve (jam). Mary loved fruit of all kinds, so the delivery of jam in November was probably a much-appreciated treat. That New Year of 1544, Mary also received gifts from her cousin, Frances, Marchioness of Dorset, and Lady John Grey (Mary Browne).»

«When she was 9 the wardship of Katherine, daughter of William, tenth Lord Willoughby, was purchased by Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, and it was in his house that she was brought up under the tutelage of his first wife Mary Tudor, sister of Henry VIII and Dowager Queen of France, together with the latter’s two daughters by her previous marriage, and her neice Lady Margaret Douglas, daughter of the Earl of Angus and Queen Margaret of Scotland. Katherine

128 Women, religion and education in early modern England

later married Charles Brandon as his fourth wife and, on his death, as Dowager Duchess of Suffolk was a fervent supporter of the reforming party in religion, in her turn maintaining several ‘children of honour’ in her household at Grimsthorpe in Lincolnshire.11 Four of the six daughters of Edward Seymour, the disgraced Lord Protector Somerset, were committed by the Privy Council to the guardianship of their aunt Elizabeth Cromwell, widow of Thomas Cromwell’s son Gregory. Margaret, aged 5 and Francis, aged 3, the two younger children of Sir Henry and Lady Anne Willoughby, were sent on their father’s death in 1549 to the care of their uncle, Henry Medley. When she was 6 Margaret was presented with her own copy of the Bible. She later continued her education as lady-in-waiting to the Duchess of Suffolk, and went with her to the court of Queen Mary Tudor, and ultimately to that of Queen Elizabeth.»

August 1525

The names of all the ladies and gentlemen who are to accompany the Princess into Wales; with the quantity of black velvet allowed to each.

Lady Salisbury, lady Katharine Grey, Mrs. Katharine Mountecue, Mrs. Elizabeth Poole, Mrs. Custaunce Poole, Mrs. Anne Knevet, Mrs. Dannet, Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Cecill Dabridgecourt, Mrs. Frances Elmer, Mrs. Anne Rede, Mrs. Marie Wycter, Mrs. Petir, Mrs. Anne Dannet and Mrs. Anne Darell. Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Geynes are to have black damask.—Memoranda in the margin of the delivery of the velvet to each of the ladies by Mr. Ley, J. Scutte, Mr. Wheeler and Ric. Hoge. Signed by Wolsey.

Grants in October 1530

Margaret lady Grey, servant to queen Katharine. Annuity of 20l. Hampton Court, 17 Oct. 22 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 Oct.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 31.

1533 - The Princess Mary's Household
Account of Will. Cholmeley, cofferer of the household of the princess Mary, for one year, ended 30 Sept. [25 Hen. VIII.]: On Monday, 17 March, there came to dinner the marchioness of Dorset, lady Grey, and others ; on Thursday, 10 April, lord Sandes and Sir Will. Fitzwilliam ; on Tuesday, 15 April, the marchioness of Dorset, lady Matravers and her two sisters, with others. At Otforde from Tuesday, 6 May, to Wednesday, 2 July. On Thursday, 15 May, there came to dinner Sir Will. Ascue, Sir And. Billisbe, and Sir Rice Mauncell ; on Thursday, 5 June, lords Montague and Hastings, Sir Geoff. Pale (Pole), Sir Will. Huse, and Sir John Beryn ; on Monday, 9 June, the marquis of Dorset, his mother and sister

New Year's Gifts 1st January 1534

New year's gifts given to the King, 1 Jan. 25 Hen. VIII.

Lords. The same names as in list for 1532, except that lords Powes, Burrough and Wm. Howard take the place of lords Edmund Howard, Geo. Grey and Delawarre.

Duchesses, Countesses, and Ladies. Lady Margaret Angwisshe [Lady Margaret Douglas], countess of Shrewsbury, lady Anne (now Queen) [Anne Boleyn]. Ladies Stannope, Oughtrede [Elizabeth Seymour, Jane's sister, later Lady Cromwell], Mary Rocheford [Mary Boleyn], Tailbous and Darell omitted.

New year's gifts given by the King, 1 Jan. 25 Hen. VIII.

The list of names includes most of the persons from whom the King received gifts, with the following in addition: the earl of Essex, lord Ferrers, the Lord Chamberlain with the Queen, lord of Lincoln, lord Marques Dorset [Henry Grey, 3rd Marquess of Dorset], the lord of Surrey, lady Margret Angwisshe [Lady Margaret Douglas], lady Stannope, lady Shelton, Sir J. Shelton's wife, lady Margaret Grey, Mrs. Marshall, mistress of the maidens, Mrs. Zouche, Mrs. Holland, Mrs. Shelton, Mrs. Gambaige, Mrs. Assheley, Mrs. Seymour, Mrs. Margery, Mrs. Cobham, Mrs. Morres, Mrs. Toppes, Mrs. Nurse. Mrs. Hilles, Sir Ric. Sacheverell, Sir John Shelton, Sir Wm. Pounder, Roger Raddif. Antony Knevet, Dr. Butte, Wm. Skidmore, gentleman usher, Lee, gentleman usher. John Parker, of the Robes, the King's master cook, Geo. Lufkin, Blakennall, yeoman of the Crown, Mark Anthony.

Signed at beginning and end by the King.

The presents are piate [plate]. The names of the makers, Freman. Wolf, Cornells, and T. Trsppes, are appended to each article. To the duchess of Richmond [Mary Howard, Duchess of Richmond, the wife of the King's illegitimate son] and lady Margaret Angus [Lady Margaret Douglas], the King gave gifts himself, so no article is put to their names.

List of plate received from John Freman, Cornelis Heyes, Morgam Wolf and Thos. Trappes, goldsmiths, for new years gifts, with the names of the persons to whom each article is given.

New Year's Gifts 1st January 1538

Servants to the lady Mary [Mary I Tudor], (53s. 4d.), the duchess of Suffolk [Katherine Willoughby], the old lady of Norfolk, the ladies of Westmoreland, Rutland, ladies Powis, Sandes, Dorset, Huntingdon, Mounteagle, Audeler (40s.), the lady of Kent, ladies Wollopp, Rochford [Jane Parker, George Boleyn's widow], Broune, Bryan, young lady Marquis Dorset [Frances Brandon, later Duchess of Suffolk, Henry VIII's niece and Jane Grey's mother], ladies Guildford, Derby, Caltrope, Baynton, Hertford, Kingston, Russell, Hampton, Hawarde, Russell of Worcestershire, Zouche, Shelton, Paulet, young lady Knevet, ladies Hennage, Dudley, Page, lady of Sussex, ladies Bridgwater, lady of Kildare, lady Margaret Grey, lady Harbert of Troy, Mrs. Hil, (this case "in reward"), Mrs. Denys, and Mrs. Chamborne.

New Year's Gifts 1st January 1540

Servants of the Lady Mary [Mary I Tudor], 53s. 4d.; of Lady Elizabeth [Elizabeth I Tudor], 20s.; of the duchess of Suffolk [Katherine Willoughby], old lady of Norfolk, duchess of Richmond [Mary Howard, Duchess of Richmond, the wife of the King's illegitimate son], lady of Westmoreland, and lady of Rutland, 20s. each; of lady Powes, 13s. 4d.; of the lady Marquis Dorset [Margaret Wotton, Marchioness of Dorset], 20s., lady Huntingdon, 20s., Mounteagle, 13s. 4d., Audeley, the Lord Chancellor's wife [our Elizabeth Grey, Lady Audley], 40s., the lady of Kent [Margaret Finch, Countess of Kent, married name Grey at the time][1], 10s., the lady of Rochford [Jane Parker Boleyn], 13s. 4d., lady Browne, 10s., Bryan, 10s., the young lady Marquis Dorset [Frances Brandon, later Duchess of Suffolk, Henry VIII's niece and Jane Grey's mother], 20s., lady Guildford, 13s. 4d., lady of Derby, 20s., of ladies Calthrop, Baynton (10s.), Hertford, Kinston, Hampton, Russell, Lister, Russell of Worcestershire, Souche, young lady Knevett, St. John (10s.), Hennage, Shelton, Dudley, Page, Sussex, Kildare, Margaret Grey, Herbert of Troy, Bridgewater (20s.), Margaret Douglas, Egecum, Carewe and Taylbushe, 13s. 4d. each; of Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Bowcher, Mrs. Deny, Mrs. Chamborne, Mrs. Jenyns, Mrs. Dorothy Bray, Mrs. Meawtis, and the lord Prince's nurse (that brought “a dossen hankerchers garnished with gold”), 10s. each.

New Year's Gifts 1st January 1541

(I think? – “Rewards given on Saturday, New Year's Day, at Hampton Court, anno xxxijo”)

'of the lady Mary and lady Anne Cleves, 53s. 4d. each; of the duchess of Suffolk, the old lady of Norfolk, the duchess of Richmond, the lady Westmoreland, the lady of Rutland, the lady marquis Dorset, the lady of Huntingdon, and lady Audeley, 20s. each; of ladies Rochford, Bryan (10s.), Guildford, Caltrope, Denys (10s.), Baynton (10s.), of Hertford, Kingston, Russell, of Hampton, Hawarde (10s.), Lyster, Russell of Worcestershire, Zouche, Shelton, the young lady marquis Dorset (20s.), Knevitt, St. John, Hennage, Dudley, Page, of Sussex, of Kildare, Herbert of Troy, of Bridgewater (20s.), Margret Dugles (20s.), Edgecombe, Carowe, Tailbushe, Crumwell, Wriothesley, and Bray, 13s. 4d. each; Mrs. Hill, servant, reward, “Mrs. Bourches, servant,” Mrs. Denys', Mrs. Chambours', Mrs. Jenyns', Mrs. Mewtes', the lord Prince's nurse (that brought “a dozen hankerchers garnished with gold”), Mrs. Penn, Mrs. Turwhit, and Mrs. Herbert, 10s. each;'

[1] MARGARET FINCH (d.1540/1)

Margaret Finch was the daughter of James Finch or Fynche of London. She was married three times. Her first husband was John Dawes (d.1514), a grocer and London alderman living in Farringdon Without. Her second husband was Oliver Curteis or Curteys. On January 23, 1520/1, she married Richard Grey, 3rd earl of Kent (1481-1524), whose first wife had died on November 19,1516. Margaret had a dowry of 2000 marks, which Kent planned to use to redeem manors he’d sold off in previous years. In partial preparation for her new status as a countess, Margaret purchased twelve ells of Holland cloth, half an ell of popinjay sarcenet, and a frontlet of gold. The cost for all these together was £48 2s. 2d. She appears to have had no children by any of her husbands.

Queen Jane’s Funeral Procession

First Chariot:

  • *Mary Arundell, Countess of Sussex
  • *Frances Brandon, Marchioness of Dorset
  • *Mabel Clifford, Countess of Southampton
  • Cecily Daubeney, Countess of Bath
  • *Lady Margaret Douglas
  • *Eleanor Paston, Countess of Rutland
  • Elizabeth Trussell, Countess of Oxford

Second Chariot:

  • *Elizabeth Bryan, Lady Carew
  • Lady Margaret Grey
  • *Jane Parker, Lady Rochford
  • Dorothy Howard, Countess of Derby

'Lord Thomas Grey

(d. 1554) [DNB sub Thomas, 2nd marquis of Dorset (his father>]

Younger brother to Henry Gray, the duke of Suffolk, and uncle to Lady Jane Grey

Thomas Grey was brought to London 21 February 1554 and put in the Tower (1570, p. 1637; 1576, p. 1397; 1583, p. 1467).

He was beheaded soon after 21 February in North Wales (1563, p. 923; 1570, p. 1585; 1576, p. 1352; 1583, p. 1423). [NB: This entry is contradicted by the next and is, in fact, in error.]

He was executed 27 April 1554 (1570, p. 1639; 1576, p. 1399; 1583, p. 1469).

[David Loades, Two Tudor Conspiracies (Cambridge 1965), p. 104, has 24 April as the date.]

'Arundel passed the remainder of his life in retirement, affectionately tended until her death in 1577 by 'his nursse and deare beloved childe' Lady Lumley. He died on the 24th of February 1580 at Arundel House in the Strand, and was buried in the Collegiate Chapel at Arundel, where a monument, with an inscription by his son-in-law, Lord Lumley, was erected to his memory. Arundel was twice married. By his first wife, Katherine, second daughter of Thomas Grey, Marquis of Dorset, he had one son, Henry, Lord Maltravers, who died in 1556, and two daughters: Jane, who married Lord Lumley, and Mary, who became the wife of Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk, beheaded in 1572. His second wife, Mary, who died in 1557, was a daughter of Sir John Arundell of Lanherne, Cornwall, and widow of Robert Ratcliffe, first Earl of Sussex. By her he had no issue.'


Born: ABT 1514 / 1520



Born: 1538, Wollaton, Nottingham, England

Died: AFT 1578

Notes: upon the death of her father, Margaret and her younger brother Francis were sent to live in the household of her mother’s half brother, George Medley at Tilty in Essex and in the Minories, London. After Wyatt’s Rebellion in 1554, the house in the Minories was searched and Medley was briefly in prison. Margaret’s uncle, Henry Grey, Duke of Suffolk, and her cousin, Lady Jane Grey, were executed at that time. Margaret seems to have joined the household of the widowed Duchess of Suffolk and been with her at the court of Queen Mary, although she was only eleven at the time. The Duchess was at court from Jul 1554 until May 1555. At Christmas 1555, still a very young girl to be a maid of honor, Margaret joined the household of Elizabeth Tudor at Hatfield. It was while she was there that John Harington wrote his poem in praise of six of Elizabeth's gentlewomen. He calls Margaret "worthye willobe" and comments upon her "pearcing eye". It is not clear if she stayed on after Elizabeth's household was reorganized by order of Queen Mary in Jun 1556. At fifteen or sixteen, in 1559 or 1560, Margaret married Matthew Arundell of Wardour. On 16 Jul 1565, Margaret supped with her cousin, the Lady Mary Grey, and two other gentlewomen. At nine that evening, Mary married Thomas Keyes without the Queen’s permission. Margaretknew about the wedding but remained outside the chamber where it was performed so that she could say she had not actually witnessed the exchange of vows. She resumed her friendship with her cousin after the Lady Mary was released from captivity and was mentioned in Mary’s will in 1578.

Just in my quick perusal of the site I could spot several wrong dates, though.

'When Lady Anna (Baroness Willoughby) nee' De Grey was born in 1513 in Groby, Leicestershire, England, her father, Sir, was 36, and her mother, Lady, was 27. She married Sir Hendrik "Henry" Willoughby (Knight of Van Wollaton) in 1536 in Leicestershire, England. They had six children in 10 years. She died on August 17, 1548, in England at the age of 35.' The rest of the account is riddled with mistakes.

Katherine Grey

Katherine Grey was the daughter of Thomas Grey, Marquis of Dorset and Margaret Wotton. She married Henry Fitzalan, Lord Maltravers, heir to the earl of Arundel in 1532. Her brother was to have wed his sister, but the match was called off when Henry Grey married Lady Frances Brandon instead. As Lady Maltravers, Katherine was listed as a member of the household of Princess Mary Tudor in October 1533. She had three children by Maltravers, Joan, Henry, and Mary.

Nicola Tallis, in her book Crown of Blood: The Deadly Inheritance of Lady Jane Grey, makes the following the statement regarding 'Elizabeth, Katherine and Anne were the eldest, followed by Henry, Thomas and John.'

The wonderful Nina Green whose scholarly work I have been so indebted to on so many occasions, refers to Katherine as the second daughters on several occasions: The Will of Sir John Radcliffe (1539 – 9 November 1568)

The Will of Frances Brandon, Duchess of Suffolk

The sole purport of this will of Frances Duchess of Suffolk, the mother of Lady Jane Grey, is to place all her property unreservedly in the hands of Adrian Stockes : upon whom she had bestowed her hand, he being previously her master of the horse. She died on the 21st Nov. 1559, twelve days after the execution of her will.

IN the name of God, Amen. I ladye FRAUNCES DUCHES OF SUFFOLKE, wife to Adryane Stockes esquyer, considering howe uncerteyn the howre of deathe is, and how certeyne ytt ys that every creature shall dye when ytt shall please God, being sicke in bodie but hole in mynde, thankes be to Almightie God ; and con- sidering with my self that the said Adrian Stockes my husbande is indebted to dyvers and sundrye persones in greate somes of money, and also that the chardge of my funeralles, if God call me to his mercye, shalbe greate chardges to hym, mynding he shall have, possesse, and enjoye all goodes, catalles, as well reall as personall, as all debtes, legacies, and all other thinges whatsoever I may give, dispose, lymytt, or appoynt by my last will and testament for the dischardge of the saide debtes and funeralles, do ordeyne and make this my present last will and testament, and do by the same consti- tute and make the saide Adryane Stockes my husbande my sole executor to all respectes, ententes, and purposes. In wytnes whereof I have hereunto putt my hande and seale the ix th daye of November, in the furst yere of the reigne of our soveraigne ladye Elizabeth, by the grace of God quene of Englande, Fraunce, and Irelande, de- fendour of the faythe, &c. FRAUNCES SUFFOLKE.

Sealed and delyvered in the presence of these under wrytten: Roberte Wyngfelde, Edmund Hall, Frauncis Bacon, and Robert Cholmeley.

Proved before the keeper of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 28 th of November, 1559, by the oath of Justinian Kidd, proctor of Adrian Stockes.


Luke Aaron

13.02.2022 14:02

The Portrait of a Woman, Sometimes Identified as the Duchess of Suffolk, c.1560 is the same woman as ‘Unknown woman, wearing a cross’ in cloth of silver, nearly half way down your homepage. Thanks.

Latest comments

07.12 | 21:47

It looks like The Tau cross derives from the Egyptian Ankh and basically they are wearing it around their necks, life rebirth, salvation mirror. sun.Stonehenge looks like it is made up of Ts to form c

07.12 | 21:30

are wearing the symbol on effigies at Ingham church Norfolk and Henry StanleyD1528 at Hillingdon Middlesex.Countess Jacquline of Hainaut and husband Frank Borsele are also wearing the insignia others

07.12 | 21:23

These Queens could of been members of the order and i think the Tau cross is a symbol of the Holy Trinity also.These pendants could of been reliquaries.Lady margaret de Bois and Roger de bois

07.12 | 21:17

I think the Tau cross that they are wearing could be linked to the(knights) order of St Anthony, Mary 1st collar looks like it may represent the knotted girdle/waist cord of st Anthony .

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