I do not own the copyright on any of these images. Some are public domain, others are in various museums around the world. If you claim to own the copyright on any of these, all you need to do is ask me to take it down and I will be glad to do so. No profit is being made for these images in any way. I have collected them and placed them here only as a resource for myself and others who are interested in Tudor history.
If you instead would like a link to your blog, book or a blog post about your book, just drop me a line. I am always happy to rec stuff.
Richard Pailthorpe
26.10.2022 15:57
They are individual pics of John 1 st baron Lumley and Jane Fitzalan, baroness Lumley by Steven van dear Muelen dated 1563 as on your site.
Richard Pailthorpe
26.10.2022 12:06
Do you know who or where copies of John and Jane Lumley might be. We would like to show images in an exhibition we are planning?
Many thanks
Site Owner
26.10.2022 12:15
What copies of John and Jane Lumley? π
Latest comments
07.12 | 21:47
It looks like The Tau cross derives from the Egyptian Ankh and basically they are wearing it around their necks, life rebirth, salvation mirror. sun.Stonehenge looks like it is made up of Ts to form c
07.12 | 21:30
are wearing the symbol on effigies at Ingham church Norfolk and Henry StanleyD1528 at Hillingdon Middlesex.Countess Jacquline of Hainaut and husband Frank Borsele are also wearing the insignia others
07.12 | 21:23
These Queens could of been members of the order and i think the Tau cross is a symbol of the Holy Trinity also.These pendants could of been reliquaries.Lady margaret de Bois and Roger de bois
07.12 | 21:17
I think the Tau cross that they are wearing could be linked to the(knights) order of St Anthony, Mary 1st collar looks like it may represent the knotted girdle/waist cord of st Anthony .
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